September 7th 2022
This weekend my boyfriend, his daughter and I had a great time at JeepFest, especially “ducking” Jeeps to raise fire safety awareness! Welcome to all our new followers and I continue to thank you all for helping our foundation grow so that we can try and help others in their knowledge and eventually with scholarships to help many youth programs! Please continue to “share” our page and help raise awareness! ❤️❤️
September 5th marked 35 months without Shaun and Morgan, but also 35 months closer to being back reunited forever! “So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” -John 16:22 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Shaun and Morgan I love you and miss you with all my heart… until I see you again… fly high my sweet angels! 😇💔❤️💔😇
Please remember to check your smoke detectors, practice your fire plans, enjoy the little things, say I love you, hug your loved ones and help remember Shaun and Morgan! 💕💕 #forevernoestrong #missingmybabies #grievingparent #godgivemestrength #promotefiresafety #firesafetyawareness #duckedforfiresafety #lovedandneverforgotten